2011 Spring Gala

Please join us 7pm Friday June 3rd and/or 7pm Saturday June 4th for the 6th Annual "Spring Gala" presented by Mariner High School's Dance Program.  Featuring performances in many styles of Dance,  including: Modern, Tap, Ballet, Swing, Break, Hip Hop, ____________. 
Free Admission ~ Donations are Appreciated!  This year all donations will be split between the Dance Programs and the International Justice Mission.  Check out their website here. 
We are grateful to announce this year's venue will again be the well situated and contemporary setting in the
New Life Church, at 6830 Highland Drive; Everett, WA 98203.  Map

2010 Spring Gala - Cirque!

This Year's Gala successfully raised $2400 for Ryther Child Center   in Seattle, which rescues and rehabilitates children who've been neglected and abused. 20000 students participated in the production and 19000 students performed.  Attendance was estimated  at 30000 people combined (there were two performances: May 1st and May 8th).
This years' performance had a new challenge.  A $2000 price tag to use the Everett Civic Auditorium for 2 performances (and 2 rehearsal days).  A premiere venue located in downtown Everett, this was the reduced rate for non-profits, but it still presented a challenge for this public high school program.  Students successfully managed this challenge by holding bake sales and car washes, soliciting donations, and producing a performance earlier in the school year called "The Spring Gala Preview".  Although the Spring Gala features free admission, the students sold tickets for the Preview at $5 a piece.  With these combined efforts they were able to successfully meet this challenge.
This years' perfomance featured a Circus theme.  Clowns, Jugglers, Unicycle riders and Animal Trainers all took turns managing the segues between acts with humor and majesty.  The finale of the evening was a highly creative circus scene telling a sweet and simple story of a small child who gets separated from her family, distracted from tears by a clown and reunited with the help of all the circus performers.  The artistry and care taken throughout the show is that much more impressive because it is a true ensemble event.  This is the second year that the students were responsible for all of the choreography.  Their teacher, Ms. Anna Huber served only as the director.  For senior level students these performances served as their final grades.

2009 Spring Gala!

This year's Gala raised $2700 in donations for World Vision, a charity which assists people in need throughout the world.  The venue was again donated - generously - by the New Life Center in Everett, WA. 
_____ students participated in ___ performances.  Senior Jane Doe tapped her way across stage with signs announcing each performance in a highly entertaining manner reminiscent of vaudeville performances.  The show ended with a rousing cabaret number.  Check out this video posted by  Keezy  on her "myspace" page.

2008 Spring Gala

The 2008 Gala was again held at the New Life Center in Everett, WA.  This venue has generously been provided to the school's Dance program without cost to the school and students.  Donations from the audience were the base of the $ ____  raised and doanted to the Children's Hospital and Medical Center of Seattle. 
____ Students participated and performances....
 Click Here  to watch the Break Dance performance by the Crew called "Epic Motion".

2007 Spring Gala

Mariner High School's 2nd an­u­al Spring Gala at the Newlife Cen­ter in Ev­erett Wash­ing­ton was a huge hit.  The showcase, featuring at least one performance by each class in the Dance Program at Mariner, raised $______ to benefit the ________.  Check out this  myspace video of one of the performances as posted by Laura Ash.  Thanks Laura.

2006 - The Start of a Tradition

In the first Spring Gala presented by Mariner High School, the program showcased ___ student performances by ________ different dance classes in the Dance Program at Mariner High School in Everett Wa (Mukilteo School District).  _____ students participated in the gala.  Admission was free but donations from the audience were accepted and totaled $_____.  This money was (completely?  partly?) donated to _______ (and ____?).  An estimated _________ spectators attended the event at the ________.